Le tripodero était vu il y a une centaine d'années autour des camps de construction et des travaux d'ingénierie en Californie. Il accumulait des billes de boue dans sa joue qu'il tirait avec une précision remarquable. J'en doute. From California, as described by lumberjacks, the tripodero has two telescopic legs and a kangaroo-like tail that it uses to balance itself while aiming and shooting mud pellets. The tripodero's body is not large but is solidly built, and its head is nearly all snout. When its legs are not extended, it can move quite rapidly through brush. As seen in Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods, With a Few Desert and Mountain Beasts, written by William T. Cox and Illustrated by Coert Du Bois, published in 1910.