Betsy Bell
Films inspirés par la Sorcière de
Bell. Movies based on the Bell Witch
La sorcière de Bell est l'un des premiers cas de paranormal qui a retenu l'attention d'un réputé journaliste qui a étudié le cas et publié un livre, tel un ancêtre du couple Ed et Lorraine Warren. Curieusement, elle est nommée d'après le nom de ses présumées victimes, la famille Bell, particulièrement la jeune Betsy, harcelée par le poltergeist après des fiancailles, alors qu'elle se nommerait Kate Batts. The Bell Witch phenomenon is about the 19th-century Bell family. According to legend, from 1817-1821, the family of John Bell and the local area came under attack by a mostly invisible entity that was able to speak, affect the physical environment, and shapeshift. In 1894, newspaper editor Martin V. Ingram published his Authenticated History of the Bell Witch. In the book, the author wrote that the poltergeist's name was Kate, after the entity claimed at one point to be "Old Kate Batts' witch". The physical activity centered on the Bells' youngest daughter, Betsy, and her father, and 'Kate' expressed particular displeasure when Betsy became engaged to a local named Joshua Gardner.
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